Chemical Engineering

Engineering A sub-discipline of Engineering

Chemical engineering is a discipline of engineering that deals with chemical production and product manufacturing using chemical processes. This includes developing machinery, methods, and procedures for refining raw materials, as well as combining, compounding, and processing chemicals to create useful products.

Chemical engineers employ the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and arithmetic to solve problems involving the manufacture or usage of chemicals, fuel, pharmaceuticals, food, and a variety of other items.

Chemical engineers operate in a wide range of fields, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They might work at a petroleum refinery to turn crude oil into gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, lubricating oil, solvents, and petrochemicals; a fertilizer plant to make ammonium nitrate; or a personal-care product manufacturer to mix dozens of ingredients to make shampoo or skin lotion, for example.

To tackle technological challenges, chemical engineering integrates a chemistry foundation with engineering and economics concepts. Chemical engineering necessitates a thorough understanding of chemistry, mechanical engineering, and fluid dynamics. Additionally, manufacturing facilities can be rather large, necessitating structural issues. Chemical engineers, as a result, frequently require structural engineering understanding.